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What we offer

Thanks for taking time to see how we can learn together! On this page, you’ll find our current offerings. From Enneagram team building to communications workshops, manager enablement to The Well, our new mountain retreat for women, this page is your deep dive into everything Altogether Human is doing and how we can work with you. When you’re ready to dive in, reach out to us for a conversation about partnership. We can’t wait to hear from you.

The League of Outstanding Leaders

Managers have always been unsung heroes in our teams and orgs. And since the pandemic, managers have flexed to be even more: coaches, caretakers, drivers of work, catchers of all dropped balls, emotional support and more. But who is taking care of managers? This series of 2-hour mods offers support, tangible tools, help and care for managers who are ready to reinvest in their skills.

“Hilary is a fantastic facilitator, coach and enabler of all the GREAT things in life! I was continually impressed by her ability to lead with vulnerability, establish expertise, create engaging and fun activities (they were difficult but she positioned them so well, people went for the challenge!) and to do it in a professional setting (meaning on time, with great takeaways)”

The League of Outstanding Leaders is offered virtually, in-person or both modalities depending on client need. The experience goes like this:

  1. The Making of a Manager: You’re a new manager - now what? Learn how to think about your newfound role, understand the power dynamics that may be at play, how to think about a productive day and how to take care of yourself in a new role where you are also responsible for others. 

  2. Building Trust: For so, so many of us, hybrid and/or remote work is here to stay, which can make trust - giving and receiving - harder than it used to be. Whether you’re on an intact team, have dispersed colleagues or even just a flexible schedule that means your team isn’t all together all the time, learning more about trust will have a multiplier effect on your relationships and your team. Learn how psychological safety is created (or undermined), learn and put the Trust Equation into practice, and develop your own tools for increasing your trust and trustworthiness every day.

  3. Effective Meetings and 1:1s: If you’ve ever thought “That meeting should have been an email” or - cringe - you’re afraid people say that about your meetings or 1:1s, this mod is for you. In this tactical 2-hours, we dive deep into meeting best practices, break down roles and responsibilities, run a design sprint to re-design a bad meeting in your life, and share wisdom and support for making your 1:1s a can’t miss meeting that your direct reports will come to love. 

  4. Celebration and Recognition: In a 2021 study by OC Tanner, 37% of employees surveyed cited recognition as the most important tool their company could use to support them. While tech tools and gift cards are great, we believe that celebration is more than a People Ops responsibility - it’s a manager’s greatest tool for retaining and engaging their team. In this mod, managers will learn the layers of ways to celebrate their team, understand the 5 Workplace Connection Languages, practice affirming others and build their toolkit to become ambassadors for a culture of celebration in the workplace. 

  5. Difficult Conversations: Most of us know the mechanics of a difficult conversation. Using “I statements” or the theories of non-violent communication come to mind. Sooooo why are difficult conversations still so dang difficult? Because difficult conversations are difficult because of the emotions involved. This mod will help you discern the difference between a difficult conversation and conflict (hint: they aren’t always the same thing), help you navigate and check assumptions, create the right environment, navigate the conversation itself and weather the aftermath with ease.

  6. Feedback: Feedback is a gift. Sometimes, one you want to return to the store. This mod will teach the COIN model for giving and soliciting feedback, delve deep into the value of setting context, and help you build a toolkit for navigating triggers for yourself and others when it comes to feedback. 

  7. Leading like a Coach: There are many styles of leadership, but we’re here to put a stake in the ground that coach-like leadership is the best way to create intrinsic motivation, engagement and buy-in from your team. It’s also the most generous and easeful way to lead, lessening power dynamics and turning manager/direct relationships into a collaborative, supportive place for both. This mod will explain coaching (vs. guiding vs. directing) and give examples of how coaching can shift common manager scenarios from painful to easeful. 

  8. Inclusive Leadership: The capstone in the LOL journey is a deep dive into inclusive leadership as both a mindset and a skill. In this course, which was co-developed with the DIB experts on our team, we investigate the biases we all have and how they impact our work, brainstorm ways to solve for bias in hiring, interviewing and managing, and spend time learning how to be great allies as managers and peers - all in an inclusive and invitational way that meets participants where they are on their journey diversity, inclusion and belonging.

Ideal for: New and emerging managers, all managers across all functions within a company, senior leadership teams who are new to executive leadership, high potential folks who want the secret sauce and to learn some best practices and tools so they can hit the ground running.  

You: The Brand

We all know someone who has a vibe, an impact, a very distinct way of showing up in the world. But how do they do it? This workshop series will demystify the personal brand equation and more! The experience unfolds like this:

  • Participants will meet all together three times during live, facilitated 2.5 hour intensives on zoom or in-person.

  • Intensive 1 is all about identifying and leaning into your Strengths and Values for a richer, more purposeful life.

  • Intensive 2 breaks down the Cinematic Storytelling technique to help participants communicate with confidence, clarity and move their audiences to action whether they’re leading teams, fundraising or just want to send better emails. 

  • Intensive 3 pulls it all together, spotlighting newfound skills, storytelling techniques, and culminating in acknowledgments and affirmations, cementing the bond of the cohort for whatever comes next. 

  • In between each Intensive, groups will meet in smaller Mentorship Circles. Each Circle has support materials and guidance, but is self-led by its members. The result is that Mentorship Circles continue long after You, The Brand is over, leading to higher outcomes in employee engagement, retention and a sense of support in the workplace. 

Ideal for:
ERGs, intact teams and small companies, and any dedicated cohort of people who want to grow closer and go farther together in their leadership journeys.

“I thought the process of videotaping and watching ourselves was incredibly valuable. It may have been nerve-wracking, but the results were immediate. I will be much more self-aware in my communications because of this class.”

The Power of Presence

Marshall McLuhan, a philosopher of communications theory (bet you didn’t know we were going back to school!) famously said “The medium is the message.” As we all know, in today’s world of virtual communication, it’s more important than ever before that both the medium AND the message be clear, compelling and engage your audience while inspiring them to action. It’s a tall order, but Altogether Human equips your team to do all that, and more, with The Power of Presence. In our full-day workshop, you will:

  • Set goals around your pain points and struggles as a public speaker today.

  • Understand the neurology behind the nerves, and how to use the ultimate bio hack to be a more steady, less nervous speaker and presenter. 

  • Understand the 7 Core Elements of Body Language, and get real-time feedback about what you need to work on most. 

  • Learn our Cinematic Storytelling technique - developed with a Pixar story artist! - to craft messages that are structured like stories, guaranteed to hook your audience every time. 

  • Practice spicy Q&A and learn the best practices for handling live wire moments with an unpredictable audience. 

  • Understand the listener-side of the equation, and how you are being perceived. 

  • Laugh (and cringe) about the worst parts of remote communications challenges - and learn how to overcome them no matter what your workplace setup might be.

  • Make a plan for continued development and future progress!

Ideal for: anyone. Truly! While a main focus of this workshop is around public speaking and presenting, the skills you will learn are applicable across the board and can make your communications better in every area of your life. We most often deliver this course to intact teams, both in-person and virtually.

“In this workshop, we actually practiced what we were learning. Most trainings give you skills/advice on how to apply in the real world, but in this class, we actually applied those skills and got immediate feedback. It felt safe and comfortable; a fully supportive environment where people could "fail" to improve. Hilary was amazing and was able to pivot to different topics, answer questions and provide thoughtful feedback and coaching right there in the moment. I want more classes with her!”

“This workshop will directly inform other big, strategic work we do here. That speaks to the facilitators’ deep expertise and our deep appreciation for them and the power of this workshop.”

9 Ways to See: The Enneagram & You

Have you ever wished that your coworkers came with instruction manuals? Do you ever feel frustrated and confused about why you work so well with some people and not with others? Are you looking for a fun and highly interactive half-day workshop to build bridges and bond your team in a way that nothing else can? Enter… The Enneagram. The Enneagram is a psychological model that, when used and coached correctly, can create greater self and team awareness, and bring about more compassion, greater empathy and super charge productivity on teams. Just be careful, once you know The Enneagram you’ll be obsessed and your team culture will never be the same. In our 3-hour (virtual) or half-day (in-person) Enneagram workshop, you will:

  • Receive personal coaching from certified Enneagram coaches to help you identify your number

  • Spend time in breakout sessions playing, connecting and doing deep work in small groups

  • Learn the unique gifts and challenges of each Enneagram Type and identify what each brings to your team

  • Understand wings, stances and stress and security moves for greater self-awareness of your own identity in your number

  • Spend time in stances and learn more about the Enneagram’s shared galaxies - and unlock the mystery of why you work well with some people and how you can grow your working relationship with others

  • Learn the tools for inquiry, self-compassion, and advocacy by working through case studies specific to your team or org

  • Make a plan as a team for future work and growth together using the Enneagram

"I thought the workshop was fun, engaging, and useful, and I felt very honored and privileged to be a part of it. I think Hilary's contributions to our company cannot be understated and I would love to see more trainings like this in the future! Literally one of the best workshops I've ever been in.”

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